by DanOne | Jan 11, 2020 | Documentation
Setup you facebook application For the Facebook capabilities to work correctly you need to create a Facebook Application To do so, follow these steps: Click on “My Apps” -> “Create App” Enter your App Display name (e.g WPAchievements) and...
by DanOne | Sep 5, 2018 | Blog
WPAchievements v8.11 has been released today. In this release we have completely re-implemented the output of wpa_achievements and wpa_quests shortcodes. Now the generated output will be perfectly displayed on any device. Additionally some more details are displayed...
by DanOne | Aug 27, 2018 | Blog
The new 8.10 version of WPAchievements brings some great features that open you unlimited possibilities to create special content. For example now you can lock parts of posts and pages dependent of received achievements, quests or user ranks. Additionally you can use...
by DanOne | Aug 27, 2018 | Blog
We are happy to announce that we have added Youzer support at our WPAchievements 8.9 release. Now WPAhchievements will nicely integrate with Youzer and display user Achievements on Youzer profile pages. Additionally we have fixed some known issues and improved...
by DanOne | Aug 23, 2018 | Documentation
WPAchievements Settings In the settings area you will be able to setup the basic options for WPAchievements. The settings backend is structured in a general settings area and a settings area for the supported module extensions. General Settings This will affect the...