WPAchievements Features
Gamify your WordPress site with our powerful plugin

Increase User Engagement
Create Achievements and Quests to award nice badges to your users to increase the engagement, activity and loyalty.
For each achievement you can define an action (trigger) that the user needs to complete to gain the achievement.
Quests are more complex tasks. They can contain several actions or achievements. A simple quest can look like this:
- Register on our site
- Log in
- Read the page “Rules”
- Leave a comment
Then the user completes all of those steps, he will gain a badge.
Display Badges
WPachievements will display gained user badges on user profile pages of popular plugins like BuddyPress, bbPress, Ultimate Members, UserPro, Youzer and others.
This will enhance user profiles and create a kind of competitions between users. Each user will try to collect more badges.
Integrations And Supported Plugins
WPAchievements will nicely integrate with a lot of popular WordPress plugins. As of today we support over 25 popular plugins.
If you are missing a plugin and if you think that the integration of that plugin could be interested for other users too, then send us an email with the plugin description and a URL.

WPAchievements Feature List
Take a look at some other features.
Unlimited Achievements
Create an unlimited number of achievements which can be awarded automatically or assigned manually by administrators.
Unlimited Quests
Create quests with an unlimited number of required steps. Steps to complete can be simple actions, complex tasks or achievements.
Unlimited Levels / Ranks
Create levels that users can reach. Per rank you can define a name, badge and required point count. Use ranks to limit access to achievements and quests.
Activity Points
For every use action you can award or deduct points on negative behavior. Points are used to determinate user ranks / levels.
66 Custom Badges
WPAchievements comes with a lot of custom created badges for your achievements, quests and ranks. Start immediately creating achievements.
Show nice leaderboards to stimulate challenges and completions. It will extremely motivate your users because everyone want to be the best one.
Instant Notifications
Pop Up notifications will inform users about gained badges for completing quests and achievements. You can disable or customize pop up with ease.
Interactive Quest Steps
Use this gamification principle to motivate users to complete quests. Embed rogress maps into pages or in sidebars by included widgets.
Shortcode Generator
Our Shortcode Editor makes it easy to create and manage WPAchievements shortcodes directly from posts and pages views.
Restrict Content
Use included conditional shortcodes to lock content or to display custom messages to users. Lock away your premium content.
User Management
You can adjust user’s points, achievements and quests with ease from the regular WordPress user management page.
Reports and Statistics
Track activities on your site and get detailed information about your users. Track user actions and progress to be able to optimize your site.
Many Shortcodes
You are able to use our shortcodes to show special and customized plugin output in pages and posts.
WPAchievements comes with several widgets which you can use on at your sitebars.
Social Share
Users can share gained badges on Facebook or Twitter with ease.
Easy To Setup
Plugin setup and creation of new achievements and quests is very easy. It’s like creating WordPress posts.
Fully Responsive
WPAchievements widgets and shortcodes will automatically adopt to any screen size.
Our plugin supports the WordPress translation standard. So you can translate it any language you want.