The new 8.10 version of WPAchievements brings some great features that open you unlimited possibilities to create special content. For example now you can lock parts of posts and pages dependent of received achievements, quests or user ranks. Additionally you can use conditional shortcodes to display messages to users who did not gain an achievement or use them to promote your quests or achievements.

Take a look at our full changelog for this release:

  • New: Conditional shortcodes to display content dependent of gained achievements, solved quests and user rank
  • New: Shortcodes to display certain achievements or quests on any page/post
  • Tweak: A lot of code quality and security improvements. We achieved grad A certificate by Codacy!
  • Fix: Removed depraceted JQuery functions (.live)

These are the new shortcodes which have been added in this release: [wpa_if_achievement], [wpa_if_quest] and [wpa_if_rank]. You can use those shortcodes like this:

[wpa_if_achievement post_id="123"]
Display this if user has gained the achievement.
Otherwise display this content.

Please check our documentation page to view full descriptions of available shortcodes: WPAchievements Shortcodes Documentation