Today, only 10 days after our last release we have finished a new awesome version with several new features for you. In this update we have added integrations for WPLMS and Ultimate Member Plugin. Additionally we have added a reports / statistics page to your WPAchievements dashboard where you will find a lot of useful information about your site activities.
v8.7.0 – 2018-04-02
– New: Ultimate-Member Module integration
– New: WPLMS Module integration
– New: Settings for user profile columns
– New: Reports page with user activities
– Fix: Buddypress Join Group Activity
– Fix: WooCommerce Integration use of depraceted functions
– Fix: WooCommerce Points and Rewards integration
For all of your who did not follow our releases on Codecanyon here are our changelogs for 2018. We have been very active on developing and improving WPAchievements.
v8.6.0 - 2018-03-23 - New: Award an achievement for commenting on a specific post - New: Option to deduct points on every activity or achievement - Fix: Fixed text parts which haven't been translatable on achievements page - Fix: Activity code trigger description text on achievements overview page - Fix: Smaller CSS fixes v8.5.1 - 2018-03-17 - Fix: Leaderboard Shortcode Rank Text not showing correct - Fix: Fixed text parts which haven't been translatable - Fix: FAQ and Supported Plugins page are not visible - Fix: CSS - Activity Code submit button - Tweak: Database optimization - Aadd only used activities to the database - Tweak: Optimized translation strings - Tweak: Reduced frontend CSS file size v8.5.0 - 2018-03-03 - New: 36 awesome new badges added - New: 9 awesome rank images added - New: Rank image selector - Fix: Custom achievements trigger with PHP 7.1.10 - Fix: style.css added missing brace - Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined property at leaderboard shortcode if Buddypress is active - Tweak: Display activity dashboard widget on the main blog instead of network admin dashboard v8.4.0 - 2018-02-24 - New: Sensei integration - New: Mark gained achievements and solved quests on the overview page - New: Shortcodes for "Our Quests" [wpa_quests] and "Our Achievements" [wpa_achievements] added - New: Limit quest progress widget visibility to ranks - New: Select Quest easily using a Drop Down List in the "Widget - Quest progress" - New: Activity Code Achievements - Display a message if the user has already used a certain activity code - Fix: White page while adding achievement from user management page - Fix: Activity Code Achievements - Unlock only achievements with specific code (Second Commit) - Fix: Recreated language file v8.3.1 - 2018-02-14 - Fix: Show update notice messages only on the main blog of a multisite installation - Fix: Activity Code Achievements - Unlock only achievements with specific code - Tweak: Improved CSS for quest progress widgets v8.3.0 - 2018-01-30 - New: Award achievements by entering a special "activity code" - New: Interactive quest progress (new shortcode available) - New: Widget - Quest progress - New: Updated FAQ page - New: Fontawesome 5 icons for the interactive quest progress - Fix: Custom achievements trigger not working properly - Tweak: Removed Cubepoints support (the plugin has not beend updated for more than 5 years) v8.2.0 - 2018-01-05 - New: Create site wide Achievements on a multisite network - New: Create site wide Quests on a multisite network - New: Responsive Achievements overview - New: Option to limit displayed user achievements on bbPress pages - New: Award achievements for visiting specific posts or pages - Fix: Ranks still displayed even if disabled on buddypress, bbpress user page